Jack Daniel’s Sinatra Select Review

Join us as we welcome back special guest Carlos as he brings us a very special treat. The Jack Daniel’s Sinatra Select is a fantastic addition to the Jack Daniel’s line up.

The Jack Daniel’s Sinatra Select is a delicious tribute to Frank Sinatra. He loved Jack Daniel’s so much, he was even laid to rest with a bottle of it. Just like Sinatra’s signature tuxedo, you’ll commonly find him performing holding a rocks glass, with two fingers of jack, three ice cubes and a splash of water.

Jack Daniel’s Sinatra Select

Jack Daniel's Sinatra SelectThis delicious dram is filled with the Jack Daniel’s attitude you’re used to with a smokey charcoal and sweet vanilla but is exceptionally smooth compared to the standard Jack Daniel’s. The Sinatra Select comes in at 90 proof, opposed to 80 proof for the standard Jack, but doesn’t have the aggressive bite of the standard Jack. The punch comes in towards the end of the dram with more of a graceful welcome, than a sharp slap in the face.

This is a bit on the expensive side running between $150 – $200 and is a fantastic gift to any Jack Daniel’s lover. Have you had the Jack Daniel’s Sinatra Select? Share your review in the comments below!

How Frank was introduced to Jack Daniel’s:

Frank Sinatra and Jackie Gleason were close friends. In fact, it was Jackie Gleason himself who introduced Frank to Jack Daniel’s. And as the story is told, it was sometime in the 1940s. Jackie and Frank were sitting together at a bar in New York City. Frank was forlorn – over a woman – and was sharing his troubles with Gleason. Frank informed his good friend that he was in need of a “serious” drink. Turning to Sinatra, Gleason responded “Jack Daniel’s. That’s a good place to start.” And the rest, as they say, was history.  – Jack Daniel’s Website

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