Market Basket and Demoulas On Strike – Empty Shelves – What Foods Men Need To Survive

As the Market Basket and Demoulas strike continues, food continues to be difficult to find. In this video Jason and Chris find the bare essentials men need to survive. We also picked something up for Mayank.

You can see from the video we have a lot of empty shelves, almost no produce, a barren deli counter, along with most of the meats and fish gone.  For some reason there is plenty of pork! I think I’m going to stay away from pork chops for a while, but there is no way I’m staying away from my bacon.

Other than what we have purchased for production of this video, Mandate Mondays has not and will no longer be shopping for food and supplies at Market Basket.

Watch the video above as Jason and I find and describe which required foods men need to function and how each will pair with the other.

Mandate Mondays proudly supports the Market Basket’s employees and the reinstatement of Arthur T.  Click Here and show your support by signing the online petition to reinstate Arthur T.

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